Lesson Objectives: Download Arduino IDE, recognize main components of your microprocessor, upload an initial sketch, learn basics of sketch coding, change blink rate of a native LED.
Materials required:
- Computer with Arduino IDE Download Here
- Microprocessor: You will hear me refer to this as your Arduino, but it doesn’t have to be this brand. It can be any brand and any size microprocessor that you have available!
- Appropriate cable to connect your microprocessor to your computer.
- Schematic for your specific microprocessor whether it be the: Uno, Nano, or other!
- A good reference library in case you ever need to look up the syntax in a sketch.
Other helpful links that will assist with learning the content in this video:
- I learned how to make the light blink on my Arduino using the lesson found on this website.
- This website walks you briefly through the code in a little more detail than I did in the video.
- If you are using an a off-brand nano, if the “nano” board does not work, use the one entitled, “Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila”. If this doesn’t work, google your specific board to find the one you need.
- Having a hard time finding device manager on your Mac? It is called System Information on Macs. Your Arduino port should automatically show up, but if it doesn’t try searching for system information on your Mac.
This is known as the “Hey let’s change something and see what happens” programming technique. It may not be formally taught, but everyone does it!
Ladyada on learning programming
In your Arduino Notebook: Make sure you include a schematic of your microprocessor, the sketch you used, code syntax for comments, the code you edited highlighted and explained, and answers to the “Questions to Consider”.